Adjunct Faculty Unemployment Benefits/Emergency

Assistance-End of FALL SEMESTER

Date: December 11, 2018 at 2:43:31 PM PST

Dear College Adjunct Faculty AFT Guild Members,

As the fall semester comes to an end, you should be aware that you are eligible to apply for unemployment benefits, even if you have already been given an assignment for the spring (or intersession).  To receive the maximum benefit, applications should be submitted immediately following the completion of your last class session or assignment for this semester.

Please visit the Guild’s website for important information regarding applying for unemployment benefits and/or participating in our Labor Participation assistance program:

·  Unemployment Benefits

·  EDD Phone Interview Tips

·  EDD Online Application Assistance

·  Emergency Assistance

If you have received benefits within the past year, you will still have an open claim and will not need to start a new one.  If you need to, you can re-submit for a new claim online.  Once your claim has been approved or restarted, you can certify for your continued benefits online.  For more information and to file your claim, visit

Note if you are submitting a new claim that the EDD continues to change their online application form.  Consequently, we have updated our EDD Online Application Assistance as best we can, but we know it’s not a perfect match.  However, you should find the answers you need somewhere within this document.  Please let me know if there are any errors or omissions we need to correct on this document.

If you are ever denied your claim for benefits, please contact us right away so we can assist with your appeal.  AFT Guild members receive legal representation free of charge.

Wishing you a stress-free end of the semester and a well deserved winter break!

In Unity,


Jim Mahler, President

AFT Guild, Local 1931

San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca

Community Colleges