Adjunct Faculty Week of Advocacy Friday Edition: Timeline of AFT Gains and Final Adjunct Faculty Spotlight (10/27/2023)


Adjunct Faculty Week of Advocacy

Dear AFT Guild, Local 1931 Colleagues, 

Thank you for participating in our Adjunct Faculty Week of Advocacy!  We hope y’all enjoyed participating in our Selfie Day of Action yesterday (if you haven’t posted your selfie, there is still time to do so today and enter our $50 gift card drawing)!

Our aim this week was to share more information about where we have been, where we are now and where we are going as a union (we are attaching a pdf of all the materials we shared this week)!

We hope you are inspired to be a part of the efforts that lie ahead of us, to create a model here in California for how community colleges can lead the way in equitable working conditions for all faculty!  Our union has already achieved many incredible gains and we have been at the forefront of legislative efforts to support adjunct faculty.  We hope this Timeline of AFT Gains will be informative and we especially hope you enjoy our final Adjunct Faculty spotlight!

Stay tuned for our Adjunct Faculty Day of Action plans in February 2024…

We hope you will also enjoy our last adjunct faculty member spotlight!

In Solidarity,
AFT Guild, Local 1931 Part-Time Faculty Committee