Adjunct Faculty/NANCE Unemployment Benefits/Emergency Assistance-End of SPRING SEMESTER

Dear AFT Guild Adjunct Faculty and NANCE Members,

As the spring semester comes to an end, you should be aware that you are eligible to apply for unemployment benefits, even if you have already been given an assignment for the summer or fall semesters.

To help you navigate your way through this process, we have put together a comprehensive guide to the filing process which can be found here. This guide includes information on where/how to apply, how to verify your identity, tips to assist you in filling out the claim, and common eligibility concerns. We strongly urge you to read through the entire guide prior to applying.

In addition, please visit the Guild’s website for additional important information regarding applying for unemployment benefits and/or participating in our community assistance programs:

Quick Tips & Reminders:

To receive the maximum benefit, applications should be submitted immediately following the completion of your last class session or work day for this semester.

If you have already filed a claim for unemployment benefits within the last 52 weeks and have not exhausted the benefits you are entitled to don’t file a new claim; you must reopen your claim to continue receiving benefits. If you need to start a new claim, you can re-submit for a new claim online and assistance is available in our comprehensive guide. If your benefit year ended, you must apply for a new claim, even if you are on an extension or have money left on your expired claim.

You should receive some kind of response and/or documents from EDD within 2 weeks of submitting your claim. If you have not received anything, contact EDD as soon as possible to ensure your claim was submitted properly or that you have not missed an important request.

If you are submitting a new claim note that the EDD continues to change their online application form. Consequently, we have updated our comprehensive guide as best we can, but it may not be a perfect match to your individual situation. However, you should find the answers you need somewhere within this document. Please let me know if there are any errors or omissions we need to correct on this document.

If you are ever denied your claim for benefits, please contact us right away so we can assist with your appeal. AFT Guild members will be assisted free of charge, including being represented by our attorney in an appeal hearing if determined appropriate by the Guild. Please contact our Part-Time Faculty Committee Chair Jessica Thompson <> if you need assistance at any step of the process.

And lastly, just a friendly reminder that we will be holding a Member Unemployment Benefits Office Hour TODAY from 4:00-5:00pm via Zoom. This hour will be set up with a main room to ask any questions that arise as you complete your EDD application (we will put each person in a zoom room to work on their app and they can re-enter the main room at any time for support). This will not be a presentation format. RSVP for today’s Office Hour HERE.

Wishing you all a stress-free end of the semester and a well-deserved summer break!

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
AFT Shield