Work had just started on the Fall 2020 schedule in the SDCCD when school secretaries were sent home because of the coronavirus. Faculty were busy making their way through their course materials when the call came to go into remote teaching mode. Our districts’ health...

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Middle Class Racism
Oct 31, 2019
A core problem in discussions of racism IS the focus on individual attitudes rather than on structural inequities. hat do you picture when someone refers to the “Trump’s base”? If you’ve watched television coverage of his rallies or read any of the dozens of articles...
CFT Legislative Update 2019
Oct 30, 2019
INTRODUCTION September 13, 2019 marked the end of the first year of the two-year legislative session. The legislature will be on Interim Recess until January 6, 2020. The governor had until October 13, 2019 to sign or veto those bills that made it to his desk. An...
Much Needed Proposition 13 Reform is on the Way with Schools and Communities First
Oct 30, 2019
By James Miller There is a movement afoot to reform Proposition 13, with community organizations aligned with labor promoting the Schools and Communities First ballot measure. Why would anyone want to touch the third rail of California politics? The answer is...
American Inequality is Still Surging Along, Now is the Time to Finally Address It.
Oct 30, 2019
By James Miller Despite the mainstream media chorus about our “good economy” things aren’t so great for the average American worker when 4 in 10 Americans couldn’t put together $400 in cash to meet an emergency expense, 6 in 10 couldn’t meet 3 months of expenses if...
Labor Day 2019: Unions Weather the Storm and Look to Build a Brighter Future
Aug 31, 2019
These last few years have been particularly challenging times for the American Labor movement as we’ve faced everything from a host of anti-labor policies coming from Washington to a Supreme Court decision designed to gut public sector unions. The good news is that...