Over the last couple of years, AFT 1931 members have heard a lot about the effort to get the Schools and Communities First measure on the ballot in California this November 3rd. Indeed, AFT Local 1931 members and students from the San Diego and Grossmont-Cuyamaca...

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AFT Intern Lora Mathis Gives Speech on the Need for Change at San Diego’s Virtual Earth Day
May 11, 2020
The Need for Change By AFT Intern Lora Mathis The fight against the climate change crisis is a fight for the future. Changes in our environment are taking place at an unprecedented rate, and they don’t call for passivity as a response. In the face of the pandemic, we...
AFT Joins the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance in Calling for More Relief and a Just Recovery
May 11, 2020
For the last several months, a coalition of labor, community, and environmental groups have been meeting to help forge an alliance in support of a local version of the Green New Deal. In the midst of this process, we have all been hit with the COVID-19 crisis, and, as...
Why Do We Pay Dues? SDCCD Trustee and GCCCD AFT Member Craig Milgrim Has One Answer.
May 11, 2020
At present we are in the midst of the most profound health and economic crisis of our lifetimes. What good can the union do for us in times like these? A lot. As Grossmont College Professor, AFT member, and San Diego Community College District Trustee Craig Milgrim...
Key Wins from Our Contract Settlements
Feb 5, 2020
As a result of our last several contract settlements, we have made a lot of big gains for both our classified professional and faculty members. Our AFT Guild negotiating teams worked hard to improve our working conditions on multiple fronts from safety issues, to job...
Union Density in the United States Continues to Decline: What Does this Mean for American Democracy?
Feb 5, 2020
If you’ve been paying attention to the news about labor over the last year or so, you’d think we were in an era of a resurgent union movement. We’ve seen a wave of inspiring, militant teachers’ strikes from West Virginia to Los Angeles along with a successful...