It seems like every semester comes with its own set of challenges, seemingly more daunting every year. In fact, crisis-all-the-time is our new normal, the zeitgeist of our era. While it would be easy to point to our current national political climate as the central...

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Unions and marketing: commodity fetishism and American labor
Aug 25, 2019
As I pondered the theme for this month’s issue of the Chaparral – marketing – I simply could not escape how our current consumer culture, based on the use of mass marketing campaigns, serves to isolate and alienate workers and the labor movement from American society....
Broad Discontent Amongst Teachers Nationally: New Poll Shows Support for Striking High And Not Just for Higher Pay
Aug 25, 2019
A recent poll released by PDK shows widespread discontent among teachers nationally. According to the annual poll done by this association of teachers, administrators, and other educational professionals, six out of ten teachers report feeling dissatisfied,...
CFT Calls for Accountablity at New Online-Only College, May Take Legal Action
Aug 25, 2019
This summer, California Federation of Teachers (CFT) President Jeff Freitas and CFT Community College Council President Jim Mahler testified before the Board of Trustees of California’s online-only community college. In that testimony (and in an accompanying letter),...
Help on the Way?: Two Potential Tax Measures seek to More Adequately Fund Education by Taxing Big Corporations and the Rich
Aug 25, 2019
As we head toward 2020, there are two tax measures that may be on the November ballot. The first of which, the Schools and Communities First (insert link: measure, seeks to reform Proposition 13 by allowing the state to...
The College Admission Scandal Holds a Mirror Up to the Myth of Meritocracy in Higher Education
Mar 29, 2019
This is who we are now: a country where the criminal rich brazenly buy their kids’ ways into elite colleges while the sons and daughters of ordinary Americans scrape and claw to gain admission and then struggle to pay for the skyrocketing costs of higher education. ...