The honeymoon was over quickly for the Biden administration. Republicans are drawing battle lines with Senators like Roy Blunt calling his relief package a “nonstarter” as minority leader McConnell and others disingenuously whine about a lack of “bipartisanship”...

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The American Federation of Teachers Lays Out a Bold Vision of a Just Recovery with a Green New Deal
Sep 17, 2020
What should post COVID-19 crisis America look like? This summer your national union, the American Federation of Teachers, was thinking big at its biennial convention in late July. Clearly, the activist spirit sweeping the country was in the (virtual) air. Building...
AFT 1931 Stands Committed to Fight for Racial Justice on Our Campuses and in Our Community
Sep 17, 2020
In the immediate aftermath of the George Floyd murder, we shared the National AFT and CFT statements of outrage and solidarity with the protests against police brutality. We are pleased that the statewide body of which we are a part has clearly stood with the Black...
The War on the Public Sector is On and We are in the Crosshairs
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At present, it seems like there is no leadership in America. Indeed, as we watch the Trump Administration ignoring their own guidelines as White House aides get sick and the national response slides into a chaotic patchwork quilt of ineffective policies, one might...
AFT 1931 Calls for More Robust Relief and a Just and Transformative Recovery For All Americans and the Environment
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AFT 1931 has long supported bold new political and policy initiatives that move beyond lip service to effectively address the two great issues of our age—historic economic inequality and climate change. To that end, AFT 1931 has adopted resolutions that called for...