La frontera: Represión contra personas migrantes y cómo defender a la comunidad y a nuestros estudiantes (Versión en español: ver abajo) By Enrique Davalos We all know it, civil rights have fallen off a cliff in the United States and the world, but organizing and...

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The Wages of Inequality Continue to Grow
Mar 25, 2019
Over the last few weeks, the national political discourse has been chock-full of handwringing in media circles over whether Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and others will push the Democrats beyond what whoever the pundit of the moment is deems the “acceptable”...
Labor Needs to Listen to the Next Generation and Help Craft a Green New Deal with Strong Labor Provisions
Mar 20, 2019
Young people across the world are making sure their voices are heard. I was proud of my son, his friends, and their classmates last week when they walked out of San Diego High School to participate in the Global Climate Strike during which over a million students...
Labor Council in San Diego On Board With the Green New Deal
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by JIM MILLER The San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council Passes Resolution in Support of a Green New Deal Sometimes the unexpected happens. Last year, during one of her first visits to the Capitol as a newly elected member of the House of Representatives,...
Lessons from the LA Teachers Strike
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After a little more than a week of striking, the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) captured the public’s imagination, helped transform the national narrative about education, won a solid new contract, and positioned themselves well for the battles to come. For...
Newsom Spends Big on Education in First Budget
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Newly elected Governor Gavin Newsom came out of the gates with a bold first budget proposal that calls for a record $80.7 billion in K-12 education as well as a second year of free community college for full time students. The proposal also offers a big expansion of...