Through the AFT Plus Member Benefit program, a credit counseling program is available to help AFT members become debt-free, learn new money management skills and save for the future. This program, offered by the nation's largest and most trusted nonprofit consumer...

Update to “Attacks on our profession”

Many thanks to the strong AFT sisters Tina Fletcher, Yadira Rosas, Carmen Espinoza, Lou Carver, and Lou Ann Gibson for running the all male signature gatherers off the Mesa College Campus!  They said they were going to Wal-Mart instead! You too can do this, wherever...

Countering the Attacks on Our Profession

Colleagues, Yesterday while at Mesa College I encountered paid signature gatherers near the I-400 building collecting signatures from students for the initiatives that would take away our pensions, remove our voice from the political process, redistrict the state so...