An individual college adjunct faculty member’s priority for assignment shall be determined by the date he/she first requested to be included in the Priority of Assignment program within a specific discipline, within the budgetary authority or control of each college. For Continuing Education, this priority of assignment will also be determined by the date he/she first requested to be included in the Priority of Assignment program and will be applicable throughout all Continuing Education sites within the faculty member’s current subject area (as defined by the Continuing Education catalog) and the faculty member’s qualifications. (Reference Article V of the Collective Bargaining Agreement)
City College
- Arts, Humanities, Communications, Telecommunications, Humanities, Communications, Telecommunications, Humanities, Communications, Telecommunications
- Arabic
- Art and Humanities
- Communication
- Dance
- Digital media Production
- Drama
- English
- Italian
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Radio, TV, Film
- Spanish
- Biology
- Behavioral & Social Sciences and Consumer & Family Studies
- Alcohol and Other Drug Studies
- Anthropology
- Community Health Work
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Business Information Technology
- Accounting
- Business
- Computer Business Technology
- Computer Information Systems
- Cosmetology (Esthetician) Program
- Engineering Math Science
- Health and Exercise Sciences
- Information and Learning Technology
- Library
- Mathematics
- Physical Sciences
- Student Affairs
- No adjuncts have requested POA
Mesa College
- Accelerated College Program
- Arts and Languages
- Behavioral Sciences
- Biology
- Business Technology
- Accounting
- Business
- Computer Business Technology
- Computer Information Sciences
- Culinary Arts/Culinary Management
- Economics
- Fashion
- Hospitality
- Marketing
- Multimedia
- Web Design
- Chemistry
- Exercise Science, Dance, Health & Athletics
- Health Science and Public Service
- History
- Humanities
- Communication
- English
- Humanities
- Journalism
- Languages
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Science
- Astronomy
- Geology
- Physical Science
- Physical Education
- Political Science
- Social/Behavioral Sciences and Multicultural Studies
- Architecture
- Chicano Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
Miramar College
- Included Departments:
- Administration of Justice
- Accounting
- Anthropology
- Art
- Aviation Operations
- Bank and Finance
- Biology
- Business
- Child Development
- Communication
- English
- Filipino
- Health
- Marketing
- Math
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
Continuing Ed
- Accounting and Office Skills
- Business and Information Technology
- CalWORKs Intake Coordinators
- Culinary Hospitality
- Desktop Operating Systems
- Emeritus
- Healthcare Careers
- Network Technician
- Linux Server Administration
- Server Technology
- Security Essentials
- Sewing Hospitality
- Network Technology
- Network Security Specialist
- Graphic Design & Motion Media
- Front End Web Developer
- Hospitality, Auto Tech
- Apprenticeship
- Auto Tech
- Electronics
- Hospitality
- Welding
- Resource for Formerly Incarcerated Students