Dear Adjunct Faculty Members,
During the summer break, you may be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits, even if you have an assignment in the fall. To receive the maximum benefit, applications should be submitted immediately following the completion of your last class session or assignment for the semester.
Please visit the Guild’s website,, for important information regarding applying for unemployment benefits and/or partcipating in our Labor Participation assistance program. Go to, click on “Adjunct Issues,” and then under the General Information section select “Unemployment Benefits,” “EDD Online Application Assistance,” or “Emergency Assistance.”
If you have received benefits within the past year, you may still have an open claim and will not need to start a new one. Call the EDD at 800-300-5616 or go online at to restart your claim. Or, if your old claim has expired, you can re-submit for a new claim online. (NOTE: Once your claim has been approved or restarted, you can now certify for your continued benefits online. For more information on this, visit
Wishing you a great summer!
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931