We have been having great success at running the signature gatherers off the college campuses! Yesterday, we ran a total of five different individuals off the Mesa College campus, without letting them collect a single signature! (The current record for getting someone off the campus stands at just under five minutes–let us know if you can beat it!)
1) Please call the AFT office immediately at 619-640-1155 whenever you spot a signature gatherer, regardless of where they may be (on or off-campus), so we can send someone out to halt their signature gathering effort.
2) We are hiring and training activists to work against these initiative efforts. Please have any interested workers call the AFT office. Pay is $10/hour.
3) Please call the Governor’s office in San Diego at 619-525-4641. Tell them: “I’m calling to let the Governor know that I am opposed to privatizing state pensions.”
4) Please print out, sign and mail or fax (619-525-4640) the attached letter to Governor Schwarzenegger pointing out the facts vs. the myth of his “pension reform” scheme.
That’s all it takes! Be vigilant–be active!
Please forward this email to all of your friends, neighbors, family members–anyone with a phone will do! It is essential that we spread the word as broadly as possible outside of our immediate education community. The Governor needs to feel as though all of the general public, not just us “special interests” think his proposals are the wrong solution for California. Next week we will send out another message for you to act on.
(Please do NOT reply to this email. Please send email responses to aftjim@pacbell.net.)