Webinar: The Impact of COVID19 on International Students and Scholars (04/24/2020 )

From: “Patricia Cook, Higher Education” <pcook@aft.org>
Subject: Webinar: The Impact of COVID19 on International Students and Scholars 4/24/2020
Date: April 20, 2020 at 8:59:51 AM PDT
To: “Nicole Hochsprung, AFT Higher Education” <nhochsprung@aft.org>

Cc: “Patricia Cook, Higher Education” <pcook@aft.org>
Please join the AFT for a webinar April 24, 3pm EST on what unions can do to support and fight for international workers during this period of crisis. The webinar will feature the AFT Legal Department and leaders in AFT affiliate locals and organizing campaigns.
Whether you are an international scholar yourself or you want to better understand what your friends, labmates, and union siblings are experiencing during the response to the global coronavirus pandemic, this webinar will help us build local and national responses to the crisis by: discussing the challenges international scholars are facing; offering up-to-date practical guidance on how international scholars can navigate the current situation; and strategizing on ways we can push our universities and governments to provide the support and protection we need.

Building on the previous guidance we’ve released for international students and scholars this webinar will cover questions about visa status, work restrictions, housing and more.
Register here: https://aft.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zf0wv7RMS9eh3NfyzYDtTA

In Solidarity,
AFT Higher Education Team

Nicole Nina Hochsprung
Senior Associate | Higher Education
T: 202-393-5695 | F: 202-393-6386 | E: nhochsprung@aft.org

American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
555 New Jersey Ave. N.W. | Washington, DC 20001 | 202-879-4400
www.aft.org | www.facebook.com/AFTunion | www.twitter.com/AFTunion

Proud AFTSU member since 2012

Thank you,

Patricia Cook
AFT Higher Education
T: 202-879-4522 | E: pcook@aft.org
Assistant Shop Steward, OPEIU – We Are One!!! 

Find our latest COVID-19 Resources and Information at AFT’s Resource Page


American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
555 New Jersey Ave. N.W. | Washington, DC 20001 | 202-879-4400
www.aft.org | www.facebook.com/AFTunion | www.twitter.com/AFTunion


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