Update: Mossy Nissan-Mechanics Locked Out

Dear Colleagues,

The mechanics at Mossy Nissan have been locked out by the company in an attempt to break their union.  The company refuses to negotiate in good faith with their union, and has now resorted to locking the mechanics out from coming to work, and they have now also discontinued their health insurance benefits in an effort to bust the union.

Please take a moment to call General Manager Sean Hogan (white polo shirt, holding Starbucks cup, in second photo below) at 760-712-3991 and tell him to negotiate in good faith with the union.  Tell him you are with the American Federation of Teachers, and tell him where you work.

This is what solidarity looks like.  Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to make this important call.  If you also want to participate in their informational picketing, please email me.

In Unity,


Jim Mahler, President

AFT Guild, Local 1931