Dear AFT Guild Members,
Please share the information below with your students, in addition to any of your family members who might qualify.
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
American Federation of Teachers Larry Schwartz Memorial Scholarship
The American Federation of Teachers is offering 8 scholarships ($500 each) to students in the Grossmont-Cuyamaca and San Diego Community College Districts.
Grossmont-Cuyamaca and San Diego Community College students
o Be currently enrolled in at least 6 units
o Have completed a minimum of 12 units
San Diego Continuing Education students
o Be currently enrolled in Continuing Education
o Have attended a minimum of 100 hours since the summer of 2018
Be a labor union member currently OR be a former member with an honorable withdrawal card OR have a family member currently in a union (mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife)
Write a well written original essay on one of the following topics. Length: 500 words or less.
What labor union membership has meant to your family’
The role of labor unions in promoting the well-being of workers.
The significance of labor unions in contemporary America.
Applications open December 1 for most campuses. College students can contact their campus Scholarship Office for more information. Continuing Education students can contact their campus Student Services Office for more information.
Union Plus Scholarship Program
Sponsored by the Union Plus Education Foundation. Amounts range from $500 to $4,000. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2019. Students may re-apply each year.
Current and retired members of participating unions, their spouses and their dependent children (as defined by IRS regulations).
At least one year of continuous union membership by the applicant, applicant’s spouse or parent (if applicant is a dependent). The one-year membership minimum must be satisfied by May 31, 2019.
Applications are available starting in mid-June, and a complete application must be received on or before 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on January 31, 2019. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. The 2019 application is now available.(link is external) Deadline for 2019 applications is 12:00pm (noon, Eastern Time), January 31, 2019.
Raoul Teilhet Scholarship Program
The California Federation of Teachers offers scholarships to high school seniors and college students who are children or dependents of CFT members in good standing. Students enrolled in four-year courses of study are eligible for $3,000 scholarships; those enrolled in two-year courses of study are eligible for $1,000.
Award selection is based on academic achievement, special talents and skills, participation in extracurricular activities, community service, financial need, and a 500-word essay on a social issue of the applicant’s choice.
Scholarships are awarded for any one year of higher education.
Students must be listed as a dependent on their parents’ or guardians’ tax return to be eligible for this scholarship.
Parents or guardians will be asked to have their local union president verify union membership.
Students who received scholarships as high school seniors are not eligible for another scholarship during college.
Application deadlines: January 10 and July 1. To learn more, go to, or phone (714) 754-6638.
AFT Robert G. Porter Scholars Program
The program offers four 4-year, $8,000 post-secondary scholarships to students who are dependents of AFT members, as well as 10 one-time $1,000 grants to AFT members to assist with their continuing education and/or fund their proposed ideas to strengthen and grow their union.
The AFT Robert G. Porter Scholars Program for high school students is open to graduating high school seniors
Applicants must have at least one parent or legal guardian who is an AFT member.
The AFT member whose child or legal dependent applies for a scholarship must be a member in good standing for at least one year.
Children or legal dependents of AFT national, state or local union staff are not eligible for this scholarship opportunity.
Application window is December 1 – March 31. For more information, see the links below or email