AFT Guild, Local 1931
Continuing Education Faculty
San Diego Community College District
Union Negotiated Adjunct Faculty Benefits
1) Job Security-Priority of Assignment (reference Article V of CBA at, click on “Collective
Bargaining Agreements”)
o If already completed 10 semesters (fall and spring only), automatically included, effective Spring 2016.
o Eligibility: must have completed eight semesters (fall and spring only) within eight year period.
o Make a request in writing to chair and dean (cc dean’s secretary) during semester six.
o Takes effect semester nine.
o Load maintained at FTEF level (average of last two semesters) when requesting POA.
o Load can increase as new sections offered or sections become vacant.
o Seniority based on date of request to join POA.
o All classes taught since 1990 without a negative evaluation go on seniority list.
o Termination only after two consecutive negative evaluations or if budget cuts reduce program.
2) Healthcare (reference, click on “Adjunct Issues”)
o Eligibility: six months averaging 60% FTEF or above.
o Includes: Medical (Kaiser only), Dental, and Vision Coverage.
o Effective first of month following qualification.
o Family members may be added during open enrollment each year (first two weeks of November) effective January 1.
o Monthly cost to adjunct faculty member: $0
3) Salary Advancement (reference, click on “Adjunct Issues”)
o Move in class, 5% increase for every 15 upper division or graduate units above MQs in same discipline as current assignment, or two years of occupational experience if teaching in discipline where a Masters Degree is not generally available.
o Complete form and submit to campus professional advancement committee.
o Effective first of month following submission in September, October, March, or May.
4) Unemployment Benefits (reference, click on “Adjunct Issues”)
o Eligibility: apply day after last class meeting day.
o All adjunct faculty eligible for EDD benefits, even if you have received an assignment offer for the following semester.