UAW Strike Panel (10/30/2023)

Panel: UAW Auto Workers on Strike: The Historic Significance

Keynote: Professor Nelson Lichtenstein, UC Santa Barbara

Panel Members:

Mike Miller, Regional Director UAW Region 6

Meeting Sunday Nov 5th 2023
Zoom start at 2:00pm:

You are invited to a panel discussion on the historic nature of the current UAW strike with one of the country’s foremost labor historians and an outstanding panel of labor leaders.  Coming after a wave of strikes and labor actions this summer, the current series of walkouts in the auto industry reinforce the historic nature of this period of time for labor.  Professor Lichtenstein is an expert not only on the history of the UAW, but of labor unions more generally.  He will be joined by our  sister Browning and also brother Mike Miller from Region 6 of the UAW.   Here are the backgrounds of panel members:

Nelson Lichtenstein is Research Professor in History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author or editor of 20 books in American politics, business, and labor history including The Most Dangerous Man In Detroit: Walter Reuther And The Fate Of American Labor. Lichtenstein’s reviews and opinion pieces appear in The Nation, American Prospect, Dissent, Jacobin, New Labor Forum, The Washington Post, and the New York Times.

Brother Miller began his career in labor in the early 1990s organizing a graduate students’ union at UCLA.  Today as the head of UAW’s region 6 his priorities include:  organizing the electric vehicle industry, expanding immigrants’ rights, advancing housing justice, and helping elect progressive candidates to office.

Sister Browning is, of course, Secretary Treasurer of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and also heads UNITE/HERE 30.  At UNITE/HERE she fights for the rights of hotel workers, who are largely women of color and among the lowest paid and most exploited workers in our community.

In Solidarity,
Gregg Robinson, Labor Democratic Club