Tips for a great week…

1)  Vote on the new Resource Allocation Formula ratification.  Ballots were mailed to your home at the end of last week.  Please ensure you return your self-mailing postcard ballot no later than March 5th.  For more information, visit

2) Attend our next AFT Union meeting to be held this Thursday, March 3rd, beginning at 3:00pm at the DoubleTree Hotel in Mission Valley( Click here for a tentative agenda for the meeting. Please reply to this email if you have any items you would like to see included on the agenda.

3) Watch AFT President Jim Mahler defend collective bargaining and workers’ rights despite insane interview questions on KUSI:

4) Contribute to the cause of the 14 courageous Wisconsin Senators and their hundreds of supporters who have maintained a 24 hour vigil in the Wisconsin capitol:

ONLINE: The AFL-CIO is accepting donations online through PayPal or any major credit card. Please go to for the link.

CHECKS can be made payable to the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Defense Fund, 6333 W. Blue Mound Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53213 (Please indicate the purpose, e.g. “Capitol protests” or”Madison rally”, on your check.)


These two close-by shops will supply food and water to those in the Capitol or on the picket line: Ian’s Pizza 608-442-3535 NOTE: minimum order $20.00. These folks are now taking orders only for delivery to the resistance, they’ve stopped all delivery to the general public. They deliver to wherever the people are — if they’re inside the Capitol, they go in. If people are marching and picketing, they take the food to the picket line. Subway on the Square 608-255-1636 NOTE: minimum order $100.00. They have set up a fund there for your orders, and they are giving free food from that fund to any union member or pro-union demonstrator who requests food.