The Jumping-Off Place: AFT Guild Member Voices

Dear AFT Guild Members,

Earlier this semester I sent you an announcement of the launch of the Substack, The Jumping-Off Place: Politics, Labor, Culture, San Diego which has been growing steadily over the last three months since its inception in March.

Over that time The Jumping-Off Place has published a good number of our AFT members on a wide range of topics and the editors are still open not just to new subscribers, followers, and visitors but contributors as the site grows and evolves.

We will also put out a quarterly email of JOP articles by AFT members throughout the year.  The Jumping-Off Place will now have a spot on the AFT website, where you can access if regularly and/or subscribe.

Here are a few of the pieces by our AFT members that have been published thus far:

*”Please Join Us in Helping The Jumping-Off Place Build a Circle Around Our Soapbox” by Jim Miller

*”Teaching the Mundanity of Activism” by Erin Evans

*”Lord, Save Me from the Techno-Optimists!” by Ian Duckles

*”Gotta Love that Kenergy!” by Kelly Mayhew

*”The Democratic Party, the Working Class, and the Culture War” by Gregg Robinson

*”Da Shi and the Corporate Raiding of the California Community College” by June Yang

*“Against the Wind: On My Father and the Loss and Cruelties of NAFTA” by Larissa Dorman-Cobb

*”May Day History” by Fred Glass

We hope you will enjoy these articles and consider subscribing and/or contributing to The Jumping-Off Place.

In Solidarity,