Please read message below from the payroll manager, Judy Masters.
—–Original Message—–
From: Judy Masters
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: Pay check & advice print error
We want to alert you to a paycheck print problem. The class and step printed on some pay checks and/or pay advices may be incorrect. The pay is
but the class and step may be incorrect.
The print program that is used to print the paychecks and advices is pulling
incorrect information. IT has looked at it and we are in the process of
testing a fix. If testing goes o.k. the fix should be in place before the hourly payroll.
There was a problem in printing the contract direct deposit advices for yesterday’s payroll and we were forced to do a work-around. This may have contributed to the problem.
Again, the money is correct, the program is grabbing an incorrect step
Sorry for the confusion. Please call me if you have questions.
Thank you.