Support Letters Needed for AB 375 (Medina) – 85% Adjunct Assignment Load (05/13/2021)

Dear Colleagues,

AB 375 is identical to AB 897 which we ran last year and passed the Assembly 76-0 before COVID-19 killed it.

If signed into law, AB 375 will raise the cap in the Ed Code on adjunct assignments from the current 67% to 85%.

The bill is currently being held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee which is why we need your help to get it out.

If you would please take a few moments of your time and modify the attached letter and send it in via US mail it will be a big help in our efforts to get this bill out of the Appropriations Committee.  (You do not need to be an adjunct faculty member to send in this letter.)

Many thanks in advance for your assistance!
In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931

http://AB 375 (Medina) Sample Support Letter – Asm Appropriations Cmte.docx