Dear Colleagues,
As many of you have probably seen over the last several weeks, the San Diego Mayor’s race is in a dead heat heading into the home stretch. That’s why it’s essential that you vote for Bob Filner for Mayor of San Diego and spread the word to your friends and family to do the same. Filner is a life-long advocate for education, civil rights, veterans issues, and social justice. He has a nearly perfect voting record on labor issues and would be the most progressive mayor in the history of San Diego.
Filner is not just supported by labor but also by a wide range of community groups. It is important to note that Fliner was an educator himself who taught history at San Diego State University and knows the centrally important role we play in the community. As someone who began his involvement in politics as a Freedom Rider in the 1960s Bob’s commitment to the rights ordinary citizens has always gone beyond lip service to real action.
As La Prensa notes he has always been an active advocate for all San Diegans. And as the OB Rag observes, Filner has not been afraid to stand alone against the powers that be on matters of principle. This is why it is crucially important that Bob Filner is the next mayor of San Diego: he is the only candidate running who cares about the issues that effect the lives of our students: poverty, homelessness, the need for good paying jobs, and city services that provide for ALL San Diegans, not just those with the money to buy a seat in city hall.
The two candidates running neck and neck with Filner are anti-union zealot Carl Demaio and phony independent Nathan Fletcher. While it is clear that DeMaio’s entire agenda is driven by a desire to turn San Diego into the Wisconsin of the West by busting local unions and privatizing city services, we should also remember that, while in the Assembly, Nathan Fletcher failed to cast a single vote to fund education despite his frequent photo-ops at local schools. Indeed, recently, Mr. Fletcher skipped a vote in the Assembly that would have helped provide $1 billion in scholarships for higher education students to stay in San Diego and promote his campaign at a local school. So don’t be fooled by his moderate talk, Fletcher is not our friend.
So, please, be sure to vote on June the 5th and encourage your friends and family to vote for Bob Filner for Mayor!
Please click here if you would like to volunteer in the Filner campaign