Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:08 AM
Dear Colleagues,
Since last fall, we have been steadily advocating to everyone we could possibly meet with in the Governor’s Office, the Department of Finance, and the Budget Committees in the Legislature to increase funding levels in three areas:
1) $100 million to convert part-time faculty positions to full-time;
2) $50 million to increase the categorical fund that already exists in the State Budget to close the pay equity gap between part-time and full-time salaries;
3) $30 million to increase the categorical fund that already exists in the State Budget to additional fund part-time faculty paid office hours.
When the Governor released his May Revision to the budget last week, he included $75 million for more full-time positions, but nothing for the other two items listed above.
In the Senate Budget Subcommittee #1 on Education being heard today, chaired by Senator Marty Block, they are discussing the Governor’s proposed $75 million for more full-time positions, in addition the Senate Budget Subcommittee is proposing a slight COLA increase to the part-time pay equity fund ($300,000), and an increase of $3.5 million to restore funding to pre-recession levels in the part-time faculty office hour program.
While the latter two amounts are a far cry from what we are seeking, and in last year’s budget the legislature included $6 million for part-time office hours (which the Governor vetoed) in comparison to their current proposal of $3.5 million, at least progress is being made.
You can help us achieve our goals as stated above by sending a letter to the attached list of addressees asking that these three categories be fully funded. Here are some talking points you can use:
1) $50 million in new resources to increase the salaries of temporary, part-time faculty as a first step toward achieving pay equity with their tenured/tenure-track colleagues:
Currently, temporary, part-time faculty earn considerably less than their tenured/tenure-track counterparts. The average salary of a part-time faculty member teaching a full-time equivalent load is approximately $35,784 per year1. Compare that to the $89,727 average salary of a tenured/tenure-track faculty members.
Taking into account the fact that the part-time faculty member is only compensated for direct teaching and related duties, and he/she is not compensated for office hours or committee work as part of her/his base pay, the equivalent tenured/tenure-track salary would then be reduced to $56,0792. Thus, an equity gap of $20,295 still persists between the average temporary, part-time faculty member and her/his tenured/tenure-track counterpart for performing the exact same duties.
Statewide, there are approximately 16,607 full-time equivalent temporary, part-time faculty. Bringing all of these positions up to equity pay would require (16,607 X $20,295 =) $337,039,065. The $50 million we are seeking addresses the first 15% of the current disparity. If more full-time positions are created as per #3 below, the magnitude of this imbalance would be reduced accordingly.
2) $30 million in new resources to fund paid office hours for temporary, part-time faculty:
Utilizing the same 16,607 statewide number of full-time equivalent temporary, part-time faculty, and assuming each full-time equivalent faculty member would be required to hold five office hours per week (one hour per week for each course taught, on average) that would equate to (16,607 X 5 hours/week X 35 weeks/year =) 2,906,225 office hours per year. Assuming a statewide average non-classroom rate of pay for part-time faculty of approximately $40.90/hour, $118,864,602 would be needed to fully fund this program. The $30 million we are seeking would fund approximately 25% of this need. If more full-time positions are created as per #3 below, the necessity for this amount of funding would diminish accordingly, as full-time faculty are required to hold office hours.
3) $100 million in new resources for the conversion of existing part-time temporary faculty to full-time faculty status:
Using the average salary of $35,784 per year for the full-time equivalent temporary, part-time faculty member and a modest $80,000 average starting salary (including all benefits) of a newly hired tenured/tenure-track faculty member, it would cost ($80,000 – $35,784 =) $44,216 to convert a full-time equivalent temporary, part-time faculty position to a full-time tenure-track position.
Using the statewide goal of 75% of all sections being taught by full-time faculty, this would require the conversion of 7,7621,3 part-time positions, or (7,762 positions X $44,216 per conversion =) $343,204,592 to reach the statewide goal of 75%. The $100 million we are seeking would meet the first 29% of the legislature’s stated goal in Education Code § 87482.6.
1Fall 2013 California Community Colleges, Chancellor’s Office Datamart Report.
2A typical tenured/tenure-track work week consists of 15 hours of in-class time, plus 10 hours classroom preparation time = 25 hours or 62.5% of a 40 hour workweek. The remaining time is spent in office hours, committee work, curriculum development, etc.
3Tenured/Tenure-Track FTEF = 18,773. Part-time, temporary = 16,607 FTEF for a total of 35,380 FTEF. 75% of 35,380 = 26,535 FTEF if we are to meet the 75% statewide goal. Thus (26,535 – 18,773 =) 7,762 FTEF of existing part-time temporary positions would need to be converted.
Budget talks will be proceeding at a rapid pace in the Capitol over the next couple of weeks. It’s critically important to get as many letters in to the attached list as soon as you can, this week if possible.
Thanks in advance for you assistance in this critical budget advocacy!
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges