If you live in the City of San Diego, Prop Z will be on your ballot…
Join Us in Supporting Prop Z
• 7,000 Classroom Teachers
• San Diego Unified Council of PTAs
• American Federation of Teachers
• San Diego Education Association
• Parent Institute for Quality Education
• State Assembly Member Nathan Fletcher
• San Diego Taxpayers Advocate
• Middle Class Taxpayers Association
• Mel Katz, Former Chair, SD Regional
• Chamber of Commerce
• San Diego Schools Police Officers Association
• Police Chief Rueben Littlejohn
• John A. Gordon, Chair, Finance Committee, Independent Citizen Oversight Committee
• Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs, Founding Chair, Qualcomm Inc.
partial list
Dear Friends,
I am worried that most people don’t even know that Prop. Z is on their ballot.
Prop Z provides badly needed funds for neighborhood schools; funding Sacramento CANNOT take away. Please read this and share it with your friends.
Click here see repairs Prop. Z will make to your neighborhood school
5 Reasons to Vote Yes on Prop. Z
2. Prevents Teacher Layoffs. Protects Classroom Technology. Provides funds to prevent teacher layoffs and protect “Classroom Technology Program” that helped raise test scores 4 straight years.
3. Making 130,000 School Children and 7,000 Classroom Teachers Safer. Removes hazardous asbestos and mold. Upgrades fire alarms, smoke detectors, safety doors, school security and emergency systems.
4. Funding for Neighborhood Schools and Charter Schools that Sacramento CANNOT take away. State cuts in school funding hurt our ability to prepare children for college. By law, 100% of Prop. Z funds must be spent locally.
5. Ironclad Taxpayer Safeguards. (link) No High Interest “Poway-style” bonds.
Bans long term, high interest bonds. Annual Audits. Independent Oversight Committee. Total transparency. Every project detailed online and in your ballot. All funds must be spent locally.
Visit: HelpSaveOurSchools.com
Paid for by Save Our Neighborhood Schools –Yes on Z 2012, major funding from SD County Building Trades Council, California Charter Schools Assn.,
3609 4th Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 ID#1327385
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