Important STRS Information

Dear CalSTRS Eligible Faculty,

For the first time ever, community college faculty will have the opportunity to directly elect a community college faculty member to serve as their representative on the CalSTRS board.

On or around October 1st community college faculty who are members of CalSTRS will receive in their home mailboxes a very important ballot.  By casting your vote in this election you can help determine who will serve as the elected community college representative on the CalSTRS board for the next four years.

This is a critically important decision.  CalSTRS is facing major challenges and faculty need a strong and effective representative on the board who can provide leadership in addressing these challenges. The California Federation of Teachers has enthusiastically endorsed Sharon Hendricks for the CalSTRS board.  Sharon is a member of our sister local, 1521, in the Los Angeles Community College District.  For more information about Sharon, click here:

Please pay special attention to your home mail near October 1, vote for Sharon Hendricks, and urge your colleagues to do the same.

In Unity,

Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931