Union Leaders, I wanted to give you a quick update on the campaign to fight the damaging “paycheck deception” ballot measure. This well-funded campaign driven by wealthy right-wing activists is currently gathering signatures at shopping malls, grocery stores and other places where people gather. Because the initiative has not yet qualified, we’re doing everything we can to try to keep it off the ballot. We’ve received numerous reports that petition gatherers aren’t being honest with the public. They say this is about “special interests” and that the measure would apply equally to corporations and unions. Of course, we know that isn’t true. This measure was designed to target union members and silence our voice in political campaigns while allowing corporations to spend freely to further their agenda. Working with SEIU and other unions, a toll-free number has been set up to report signature gatherers collecting on paycheck deception. Once a report is received, a team will be dispatched to ensure the public is receiving the real story behind this deceptive measure. We’re asking that if you or your members encounter a signature gatherer who is talking about “special interests” or “payroll deduction,” please call toll-free at 877-440-9585 to report the signature gatherer, so we can make sure people are getting the facts. You can also download a flyer to give to your members here. We’ll have more updates on the campaign soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Federation Political Director Bryan Blum at 510-663-4069. In Solidarity, Art Pulaski rgb/tng39521cwa/afl-cio |
California Labor Federation
600 Grand Avenue, Suite 410 Oakland, CA 94610
Phone: (510) 663-4000 Fax: (510) 663-4099 Email: info@calaborfed.org
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