Guild/District Reach Agreement on Paid Leave for Vaccinations and Recovery (3/11/2021)

Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Members,

I am pleased to report that we have reached an agreement with the District to be able to provide all of our employees with paid leave in order to receive and recover from their COVID vaccines. This agreement will remain in effect through December 31, 2021.

During the term of this agreement, all bargaining unit members shall be eligible to use up to four (4) hours of District provided paid leave from their assigned hours to attend an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Each bargaining unit member may use this benefit for up to two (2) vaccination appointments.
Bargaining unit members who become ill due to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination may use up to an additional eight (8) hours of District provided paid leave from their assigned hours when they are unable to work due to their illness. Bargaining unit members may use this benefit for illness due to COVID-19 vaccination for up to two (2) vaccination appointments.
Bargaining unit members may be required to provide a COVID-19 Vaccination Record in a manner prescribed by the District to receive the leave benefits provided in this agreement. Bargaining unit members who fail to provide a COVID-19 Vaccination Record within ten (10) days of request shall be required to use other accrued leaves for any assigned work time they were absent.
The leave benefit provided by this agreement shall only be for use when bargaining unit members attend an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccination or from suffering the effects of said vaccine. The leave benefits described herein are only for leave from scheduled District assignments. The leave shall not be available for use for any other purpose, shall not be available for use after December 31, 2021, and shall not be reimbursable.

Now, if we can just make it easier for everyone to get their vaccine… We are working on that though, so stay tuned on that front.

I would like to thank the District and Vice-Chancellor of Human Resources Greg Smith for working with us to swiftly put this agreement in effect to the benefit of our employees.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions of this new agreement.

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931