Fwd: Gov. May Revise and an update on the Current Year (CY) Deficit


Attached is the most comprehensive review of the Governor’s May Revise budget proposal from the CC perspective that I have seen–for those of you who like reading this this sort of stuff… Keep in mind the Governor’s May Revise is simply a proposal to the legislature. The final budget for 2012-13, which we hope to see in about a month’s time, will be a completely different animal. The underlying principles and assumptions in Vice-Chancellor Troy’s memo still hold true though.


Begin forwarded message:

From: “Troy, Dan” <dtroy@CCCCO.edu>

Date: May 14, 2012 6:30:10 PM PDT

Subject: FW: May Revise and an update on the Current Year Deficit Colleagues,

Please see the attachment on the Governor’s proposal for May Revise and a brief update on the Current Year (CY) deficit.

Thank you,

Dan Troy

Vice Chancellor of College Finance and Facilities Planning

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office