Welcome back to the Spring Semester!
As all the classroom faculty are now back and “flexing,” I wanted to share
some great news regarding a reduction in the flex obligation.
Based on recent changes to State regulations, we were able to reach
agreement with the District to dramatically reduce the flex obligation for
all classroom faculty effective next academic year.
Effective Fall 2007, the yearly obligation for contract faculty will be
reduced from 60 hours to 20 hours. Two mandatory report days will remain
each semester.
For adjunct or overload faculty, the flex obligation will reduce from 1.5
hours per hour of assignment to 1.0 hour of flex per hour of assignment.
This formula will apply each semester. Thus, for an adjunct faculty member
teaching a course which meets three hours per week, the flex obligation for
that course will be reduced from 4.5 hours (currently) to 3.0 hours
(beginning fall 2007).
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a great semester!