District Proposes Increasing Class Sizes/Assigned Time for Non-Classroom Faculty

From: Jim Mahler <aftjim@mac.com>
Subject: District Proposes Increasing Class Sizes/Assigned Time for Non-Classroom Faculty
Date: May 10, 2024 at 8:15:22 AM PDT
To: Grossmont Faculty <GrossmontFaculty@gcccd.edu>, Cuyamaca Faculty <CuyamacaFaculty@gcccd.edu>

Dear AFT Guild GCCCD Members,

I’m saddened to report that in our first formal negotiation meeting with the District yesterday afternoon the District proposed significant take-backs in its initial contract negotiation proposal to the Guild. These take-backs include:

• Increase in the standard class maximum from 50 to 60 students.
• Increase or outright removal of previously negotiated lower class maximums in disciplines such as math, literature, composition, communication, world languages, and ESL.
• Effective elimination of the large class bonus by raising the threshold to qualify from 50 to 60 students.
• All non-classroom faculty to be assigned on-campus 32 hours per week with no option for remote work.

The District also proposed the following regarding salary:

• Effective July 1, 2023, 7.0% increase to all salary schedules.
• Effective July 1, 2024, a one-time, off-schedule payment, equivalent to 3.0% of total earnings for the period January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024.
• Re-open negotiations on salary for future years only if the District’s Total Adjusted State Student Centered Funding Formula allocation to GCCCD increases by $5.5 million.

Attached please find the District’s proposal in its entirety.

To say your AFT Guild leadership team was disheartened by these proposals would be an understatement. However, we would like to hear from you. What are your thoughts regarding what the District is proposing? Please reply to this email and let us know how you feel about what the District is proposing.

I have also included the final version of the Guild’s initial proposal for your reference.

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931