Hi All,
I hope you are well and staying healthy.
Here is information regarding next weeks’ webinars that are designed for our undocumented, DACA, and immigrant students and community. All are welcome to participate. Please forward this information to your students who may be in, or know of someone who is in, a situation that may be assisted by this information.
Thank you,
Sheyla Castillo
The CE Immigrant Support Program
will host next weeks’ webinars in English and Spanish, offered by
Alliance San Diego
and designed specifically for our participants.
Coronavirus and Public Charge
Join a live community educational webinar to learn about benefits available to you during the coronavirus pandemic and address concerns about public charge.
Upon registering, participants are encouraged to write to Alliance’s Human Rights Organizer (and presenter), Nora Cardona,in order to ask specific questions about public charge that may be addressed during the webinar.
This webinar will be offered in Spanish on Tuesday, April 21st at 3:00pm, and in English on April 22nd at 3:00pm.
Webinar in Spanish
Tuesday, April 21
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Register by clicking here!
Webinar in English
Wednesday, April 22
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Register by clicking here!
Alliance San Diego will be contacting you with reminder emails to make sure you have all the details! For more information, call (619) 269-1823 X426 or email nora@alliancesd.org.
Thank you for your participation!
Upon registering, please direct your questions to presenter Nora Cardona at nora@alliancesd.org
so they may be addressed during the presentation
Foro Virtual Comunitario
Participe en un foro virtual comunitario, aprenda sobre los beneficios disponibles durante la pandemia del coronavirus, y obténga respuestas sobre la Carga Pública.
Foro virtual en español
Martes 21 de abril
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Regístrese haciendo click aquí:
Foro virtual en inglés
Miércoles 22 de abril
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Regístrese haciendo click aquí:
Alianza San Diego estará en comunicación con usted con recordatorios para asegurar que tenga todos los detalles a la mano. Para más información llame al 619-269-1823 X426 o envíe un correo electrónico a nora@alliancesd.org.
Muchas Gracias por su particpación
Después de averse registrado, favor de dirigir sus preguntas a la presentadora, Nora Cardona al correo electróniconora@alliancesd.org para que las respuestas puedan ser incluídas cómo parte de la presentación.
Cesar Chavez CE SPA 0421&22.17
Cesar Chavez CE ENG 0421&22.17