Dear Classified Staff AFT Members,
After several more weeks of haggling, today we finally received final confirmation from the District regarding our 2017 RAF allocation!
The package is as follows:
Effective January 1, 2017
- 1.0 FTEF AFT Classified Staff Reassigned Time.
- Educational Incentive Salary Movement Extended to Top of Salary Schedule (Step L).
- 0.69% across the board increase on the salary schedule.
Considering 2017 is a relatively meager year financially, especially when compared to the record revenues we received in 2016, these changes still represent positive gains. It is our expectation that 2018 will be a better year for us economically.
We still have on our agenda for future rounds a desire to award a stipend in instances where the unit member is expected to be bilingual in order to perform her/his job, we want to give classified members the option to remain in paid status during the 90 day period following retirement like managers and supervisors have, and we will continue to look at other compensation enhancements as we prepare for next year’s RAF allocations.
If ratified, you will see these new salary increases in your February 28/March 10 paychecks. The retroactive amounts owed back to January 1 will be reflected in your March 31/April 10 paychecks.
Please click here to cast your vote to ratify this package no later than 5:00 pm, Friday, February 24th. Only AFT Guild members with an active assignment are eligible to vote.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the foregoing.
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931