City Council Approves Outsourcing without Health Care Protections/Bans Wal-Mart Superstores

The CPI Report 

December 6, 2006

Council Approves Outsourcing without HealthCare Protections 
The San Diego City Council Tuesday night approved the implementation of Mayor Sanders’ outsourcing plan, with no protection of workers’ health-care coverage.

The Council’s unanimous green light   for a rushed implementation of Proposition C is bad news for all San Diego residents.  However, much debate at yesterday’s lengthy meeting centered on the need to preserve health-care coverage for any outsourced jobs, and several council members affirmed their commitment to that goal.

Council members Donna Frye and Ben Hueso promised to sponsor ordinances to subject contractors to public records laws and to ensure that the contractors meet labor standards and do not exploit workers.

CPI will monitor the bidding for each and every contract as the mayor begins outsourcing city services, and will continue to insist that the city act as a responsible employer. “Council members said they are concerned about these issues, and we’re going to make sure that as they implement Prop C not one job loses healthcare coverage,” said CPI President Donald Cohen.

Ban on Wal-Mart Superstores in San Diego
Last Tuesday, the City Council passed an ordinance preventing retail giants from building super centers in the City of San Diego as reported by the Voice of San Diego article, Wal Mart Big-Boxed Out of SD.