I hope this email finds you gearing up for an enjoyable summer vacation!
Unfortunately, we have some members (both faculty and staff) facing life threatening illnesses who are in need of sick leave donations.
Our catastrophic leave bank is exhausted so I must again ask for a contribution from each of you. To donate click here:
In the past, you have all been extremely generous in providing donations to the catastrophic sick leave bank. Your past donations have helped dozens of your colleagues endure the financial hardship a catastrophic illness can bring on.
In order to replenish our bank of hours, we are asking each employee represented by the AFT to please consider donating at least 8 hours of accumulated leave so that we may establish a new pool of leave from which to draw when these emergencies arise. This will enable us to ensure affected employees suffer no break in their paid leave during this critical time in their life.
The collective bargaining agreements between the district and AFT allow for the transfer of sick or vacation leave to those experiencing a serious or life threatening illness. Your colleagues are in need of your help. There is no maximum number of hours you can donate, although no more than 40 of your donated hours can go to any one individual. The minimum donation is 8 hours. Any additional hours may be donated in one hour increments.
Program guidelines provide that only sufficient hours will be used as necessary each pay period. The hours will be transferred in the order in which the authorization to transfer leave is received. You will know when your leave hours have been transferred when you see the corresponding reduction in your leave balance on your monthly pay warrant.
Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. If all employees participate in these donations, we will not have to ask for another solicitation for quite some time. If you desire to donate leave hours to help replenish the catastrophic sick leave bank for your colleagues in their time of need, please provide us with the relevant information by clicking here:
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!