Beyond Black History Month (3/01/2021)

Black History Month is a time of celebration, but the work of confronting systemic racism and white supremacy must continue beyond February. Here are three ways you can take action:

     1. Call your senators and tell them to pass the PRO Act.

A union contract is the single best tool we have to close racial and gender wage gaps. And expanded collective bargaining will increase protections for people who have been marginalized, especially when laws do not.

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act will empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain.

Senator Feinstein:  Phone: (202) 224-3841
Senator Padilla:  Phone:  (202) 224-3553

     2. Show up for Black-led organizations and mutual aid groups.

Black-led grassroots organizations across the country work tirelessly throughout the year, fighting for racial justice and helping in communities. Mutual aid groups are providing resources for people experiencing houselessness or food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participate in direct actions. Give money to be redistributed through mutual aid.

     3. Continue learning about anti-racism beyond February 2021.

If we want to dismantle systems of racism, we must do the work beyond this month. There are many anti-racism resources available as books, articles, podcasts and other forms of media.

Listen to what people of color are saying about their experiences and needs. Learning and talking about race can be uncomfortable, but discomfort is necessary for change.

In Solidarity,