This will be the last opportunity we will have to make an impact on the Governor’s May revision to the State budget to include our much needed equalization funding.
Recall that last year, receipt of these equalization funds is what made it possible to pay for our health benefit increases. Without these funds, all District employees (those on Kaiser included) would now be paying a much higher premium toward their medical benefits each month.
Please take the following three actions:
1) Please call the Governor’s office in San Diego at 619-525-4641. Tell them: “I’m calling to urge the Governor to include the second installment of $80 million in equalization funding for community colleges in his May revise.”
2) Please print out, sign, and fax (619-525-4640) the attached letter to Governor Schwarzenegger calling on him to include the $80 million.
3) Please also spend 37 cents and mail the letter to the Governor’s office in Sacramento (address on letter).
Please forward this email to all of your friends, neighbors, and family members.
Your activism does make a difference!