AFT Supports David Alvarez for Mayor

Dear Colleagues,

Our AFT Guild, Local 1931 is proud to support City Council member David Alvarez in the upcoming election for San Diego’s next Mayor on November 19th. There is a lot at stake for working families and together, we can make a difference in this very important election.

David Alvarez is the only candidate in this race who shares our values and vision for San Diego and has a proven track record of standing up for us. As the son of a janitor and a fast food worker, David understands the issues that face working families. He has proven time and again that he is not a career politician like the other candidates – he is a community organizer. He is unafraid to be the only vote on City Council to champion issues that increase access to good paying jobs and protect funding for community priorities like parks, libraries, and streetlights.

David has taken on powerful developers and downtown special interests and won. Last year, he championed the Property Value Protection Ordinance, which fines banks to cover clean up costs when they fail to maintain foreclosed homes or businesses and passed the Prevailing Wage Ordinance, which raises the standard wage for workers, requires jobs stay local, and creates long-term career opportunities.

David already has a plan to create good, middle class jobs & will continue his work to invest in community priorities like street lights, libraries and parks. His plan to put San Diego back on track focuses on creating neighborhood infrastructure by re-investing tax payer dollars from our neighborhoods beyond downtown.

Working together, we CAN elect a pro-worker mayor who will put what we need ahead of what he wants! To learn more about David visit or watch his short video at .

The Guild will be volunteering to make phone calls and walk neighborhoods to get the word out about David. Please contact AFT Political Action VP Jim Miller at to sign up to volunteer!

Please VOTE for David Alvarez on November 19th: It’s time we had a Mayor for ALL OF US!!
In Solidarity,

Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges