AFT Monday Message – 4/5/10

Monday Morning Briefings…

1) Our next AFT Guild Union Meeting will be held this Thursday, April 8th, from 3:00-4:30 at:
The DoubleTree Hotel in Mission Valley
7450 Hazard Center Drive
San Diego, CA  92108
ph:  619-297-5466

Our meeting will be held in the Brickstones Room.

Attached is a tentative agenda for the meeting. Please reply to this email if you have any items you would like to include on the agenda.

2) March for California’s Future Updates
* Check out pictures of AFT Guild members on the march during spring break here!
* Read California’s Future Through Today’s Desolation, by David Bacon, New America Media.
* Read AFT Guild marcher Jim Miller’s weekly blog here.
* Follow the marchers’ progress at

3) Legal Services
AFT-plus legal services makes it easy for members and their families to get the legal help they need to avoid and solve legal problems-and usually for free! One toll-free call or visit to the Web puts you in touch with a nationwide network of more than 2,000 law offices that offer free 30-minute consultations and discounted services to union members. In fact, three out of four members get their legal issues handled without paying a penny!

Visit or call 1-888-993-8886.

Not a Guild member yet? Joining as a member doesn’t cost you any extra, and gives you access to numerous discounts and free benefits. Click here to join online: