Dear AFT Guild Members,
Just a friendly reminder that our special Día de Los Muertos AFT Guild Union meeting will be held this Thursday, November 1st, beginning at 3:00pm at Mesa College in the Mesa Commons, room MC-211 A/B. ***There will be a special prize for whomever comes in the best costume!***
There is parking available along the street in front of the MC building, and there is also a parking structure as you enter the campus on the left hand side. Due to campus construction, parking will be a challenge, so please plan accordingly.
Attached is the tentative agenda for this Thursday’s meeting. Please let me know if you have any items you would like to see added to the agenda.
Additionally, we will be approving several new and updated Guild policies which were initially sent out for your review last month. They are attached again for your review. Please send me any feedback you might have on them.
Hope to see you Thursday!
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Employment Policy
AFT Guild Local 1931 Code of Conduct Policy 10-4-18
AFT Guild Local 1931 Grievance Policy 10-4-18
AFT Guild Local 1931 Member Discipline Policy 10-4-18
AFT Guild Local 1931 Membership Policy 10-4-18
AFT Guild Local 1931 Whistleblower Policy 10-4-18]
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
(I’m the one on the right in the photo below.)