AFT Guild Union Meeting this Thursday, March 7th – Mesa College

Dear AFT Guild Union Members,

Just a friendly reminder that our next AFT Guild Union meeting will be held this Thursday, March 7th beginning at 3:00pm at Mesa College in the Mesa Commons, room MC-211. There is parking available along the street in front of the MC building, and there is also a parking structure as you enter the campus on the left hand side. Click Here for the Meeting Agenda

We will also be having a Zoom webinar option where you will be able to listen to the meeting, ask questions in the chat, and vote. Click here for the Zoom link.

Attached is the tentative agenda for this Thursday’s meeting. SDCCD Chancellor Greg Smith and Assemblymember David Alvarez will be our special guests!

Please let me know if you have any other items you would like to see added to the agenda.

Lastly, our post-meeting get together will be held at: Casa Machado, 3750 John J . Montgomery Dr., SD 92123 Please join us if you can!

Hope to see you Thursday!

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931