AFT Guild Spring 2022 Edition of Get Active! (02/07/2022)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to offer you the first Spring 2022 edition of Get Active for your reading pleasure here:

This edition features an “In Focus” column by AFT VP Geoff Johnson:  “Part-Time Healthcare Campaign Gets a Shot in the Arm with Governor’s Budget Proposal”
In the News:
            * “The High Costs of Declining College Enrollments”  by AFT VP Jim Miller

* “Murderous Inequality is the Central Fact of Our Time”  by AFT VP Jim Miller

* San Diego Workers Make Their Voices Heard

* AFT Passes Resolution in Support of Reproductive Justice and Gender Equality

* In Brief: Unions, Democracy, and More

We hope you enjoy this edition and Get Active!

In Solidarity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931