Hello all,
The first meeting of the semester for our AFT Adjunct Faculty Caucus will take place on Tuesday, September 15th from 11:00-1:00 in the AFT Guild Office This meeting is intended as an open forum for you to raise concerns, get the latest updates on what the AFT is doing for adjunct faculty, and to have your questions answered. Since it is an open forum, there is no set agenda, so feel free to show up whenever you can, and don’t feel obligated to attend the entire 2 hours (though you are, of course, welcome to do so). This meeting is open to everyone, but the focus will be on adjunct issues and concerns. I hope to see you all there!
In Solidarity,
Ian Duckles
P.S. I would like to apologize in advance to those who would like to attend but have a time conflict. Unfortunately, there is never a time that works for every adjunct, so we just do the best we can. If you do have a question or concern and can’t make the meeting, please feel free to email me at imduckles@gmail.com .