Administrative Transfer of College Evaluators

June 1, 2010

To:       Board of Trustees
Chancellor Carroll
Executive Vice-Chancellor Davis
Vice-Chancellor Neault
President Burgess
President Cepeda
President Hsieh
Vice-President White
Vice-President Kavalier
Vice-President Fong

RE:  Administrative Transfer of College Evaluators

It was with great dismay that I read the recent communications which were sent out to all college evaluators regarding their unilateral administrative transfer to the District office, thus depriving each college campus of its on-site evaluators.

Although legally the District has the right to effect such a transfer, there has been uniform opposition to this move from every single constituency group (and this has been voiced in every shared governance meeting where this issue has been discussed).

Ostensibly, management cites “necessary budget reductions” as the motivation behind these transfers.  However, management has failed to state in any forum, or in the written notice of the intent to transfer, how exactly the transfer of classified staff from a campus site to the District office is going to save any money.  No one is receiving a pay cut, no one will be laid off, therefore, I ask again on behalf of the collective group who has consistently opposed this move, to please demonstrate to us how such a transfer will result in any cost savings to the District.

Although it is clear to us that fiscal expenditures will not be reduced as a result of these transfers; reductions in completion rates, graduation rates, and transfer rates will surely follow if this decision is implemented.

Lastly, I would like to ask what any of you see as the purpose of holding so-called “shared governance” meetings at the campuses or District level when the unanimous opinion of the leadership representatives is completely ignored?

I strongly urge you to re-consider your decision to transfer the evaluators, not only so that we may continue to better serve our students, but also so that we don’t further damage the morale of staff and faculty who are already being stretched to the limit by continuing “to do more with less.”


Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931
San Diego & Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community Colleges

bc:  City, Mesa, Miramar staff and faculty