ACTION ALERT: Call NOW – SDG&E trying to kill Community Choice!

Call Your Reps to vote NO on AB 726 & AB 813

Climate Warriors,

We need your help today! SDG&E engaged in last-minute backroom dealmaking to freeze our energy freedom and deny families the choice of their energy provider.

Our friends at Center for Climate Protection explain:

AB 726 and AB 813 will require the utilities to purchase a massive amount of renewable energy before the federal investment tax credit for solar expires in 2020. Sounds good, right? The devil is in the details. This build-out is not necessary and undermines local governance of CCE programs. Community Choice operators are already procuring more clean energy than private utilities. This bill would force CCEs to pay the big utilities to build new renewables for them and then stick CCE customers with a price increase.

CCEs already have a better track record at procuring cheaper renewable energy than the other utilities. These bills:

  • Are bad for customers, pushing electricity rates up

  • Will undermine local communities ability to purchase their own clean power

  • Will potentially undercut the growing solar rooftop and energy storage market

  • Subvert energy democracy, by nullifying local decision making

This effort would be a death blow to new programs that are in the process of being developed in numerous communities.

  1. AB 726: Freezes all new CCE programs. VOTE NO!
  2. AB 813: Freezes all new CCE programs. VOTE NO!
  3. SB 100: This bill will bring California to a 100% clean energy future. We support this bill unless amendments are made to freeze CCE programs.
Todd Gloria  (916) 319-2078
Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher   (916) 319-2080

Message: Please vote “no” on AB 726 and AB 813. Please reach out to speaker Rendon to let him know that you will vote no on AB 726 and AB 813, which harm community choice programs.

Toni Atkins   (916) 651-4039
Ben Hueso   (916) 651-4040

Message: Please vote “no” on AB 726 and AB 813. Please reach out to Senate Pro Tem de Leon to let him know that you will vote no on AB 726 and AB 813, which harm community choice programs.

Email the Governor’s office here!

Message: I support Community Choice Energy and I’ve asked my representatives to vote “no” on AB 726 and AB 813. I’m asking the Governor to veto these bills that harm community choice programs.


The legislative session ends this week and deals will close today.

Los Angeles Times reports on this sneaky move from utilities, “Some of California’s major utilities are trying to block the growth of government-owned electricity programs.”
Remember, your voice counts! Protect community choice energy – call your representatives now!

– The CAC Team