ACCE Fall Fundraiser Honoring AFT Guild
If you can fit this in to your busy schedule, ACCE is a community based organization that is involved in grass roots organizing, including get out the vote and voter registration drives. We are being honored for our work in the community with them. It would be great if you could attend (and give them a small donation)!
Have you purchased your ticket or sponsorship for ACCE’s Community Action Celebration yet? Info is below
ACCE Community Action Celebration
An event to celebrate our struggle for social justice in San Diego
Thursday, September 13 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
El Comal, 3946 Illinois Street, San Diego, 92104
Event Honorees:
Council Member David Alvarez
American Federation of Teachers Guild, Local 1931
Event Ticket: $35
Click here to purchase a ticket or learn about sponsorship opportunities
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