Dear AFT Guild Members,
The standing committees of our statewide affiliate the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) play a critical role in the development and implementation of CFT policy. Committee members are chosen from all segments of the CFT from pre-school to the University of California. Committee members are appointed for two-year terms after the convention in odd-numbered years.
We need to take advantage of all the skills, knowledge, and abilities that our members possess. Committee participation is also a good way to build activism and sophistication within the CFT and the labor movement in general. Our local generally has very good participation with many of our members taking part in this essential committee work. That doesn’t mean more can’t get involved though!
The committees meet two or three times a year, usually 10:00am–4:00pm on a Saturday, alternating between northern and southern California, with additional responsibilities between meetings. The term for committees is for two years from the first meeting on September 28, 2019 through the 2021 CFT Convention. For you to be nominated, you must accept the responsibilities to attend all meetings, participate in any committee conference call that may be needed between meetings, and assist with the progress of the goals and priorities of the committee throughout the term, including advocating for the CFT on such issues. All travel expenses are paid by the CFT.
Attached are brief descriptions of the CFT committees. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees please let me know which committee you would like to serve on, and also please send me a few lines as to why you should be selected to serve on that particular committee, even if you are asking to be reappointed to the same committee.
Deadline for submission is Friday, May 3.
In Unity,
Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931