Dear Maintenance & Operations Colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you the significant economic improvement we have negotiated for all classified staff effective January 1, 2016. Please click here to cast your ratification vote on this package.
The biggest news for M&O employees is that we will be moving all of you to the same salary schedule that Office/Technical and Food Service are already on. This is a 12-step schedule, rather than your current 8-step schedule, which means more room for you to move in the future, in addition to us increasing the salary amounts on that schedule this year. See the details on how this movement will work at the end of this message.
Heres an overview of the economic package youl be voting on:
General Salary schedule increase: We have increased the percentage between salary steps H-I, I-J, J-K from the current 1.35% each to 3.50% each on the salary schedule you will be moving to. We then added an additional 5.722% across the board salary increase. Both the current and new salary schedules are attached below for your review.
Expansion of early retirement health benefits: We have now made this benefit available to all classified staff. Previously, if you retired with 20 years of service between the ages of 60 and 65 you were provided a health benefits bridge until your 65th birthday. This new benefit will also let you retire from age 55 and up with only 15 years of service and still receive health coverage paid by the District until your 65th birthday.
Other classified improvements that are part of our settlement package, but dont have a direct effect on M&O employees are as follows:
Educational Incentive program for Office/Technical employees was changed to allow movement up to Step I (M&O can currently move to L).
Maximum initial placement salary step for Office/Technical new hires was changed from step B to step C (M&O already has Step C).
One Office/Technical employee was upgraded from a 45% to a 50% position.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any part of this package please consider attending one of the following site liaison meetings we will be holding next week:
Tuesday, December 8th, 1:30 pm – 2:30pm Room LRC 208 (Second floor *Library*) Miramar College
Wednesday, December 9th 1:00pm 2:00pm Room AH 509B City College
Thursday, December 10th 2:15-3:15pm Room H-117/118 Mesa College
In addition, I will be holding open office hours at the AFT office on Friday, December 11th, from 11:00am 5:00pm. Please call 619-640-1155 to schedule an appointment if you would like to meet with me.
Pending ratification, this new salary increase will be reflected in your January 31st, 2016 paycheck.
Please click here to cast your ratification vote on this package. The voting will close at 5:00pm next Friday, December 11th. Your AFT Guild Executive Council strongly urges your YES vote on this package.
I wish you and your families a very warm and restful holiday season!
In Unity,
Heres the decoder ring so you can find your way from the current M&O salary schedule to the new Classified schedule:
1) Find your current range and step from this current salary schedule:
2) Map your current range on the M&O Schedule to the current Classified Schedule range using this legend:
Range C > Range 13
Range F > Range 18
Range G > Range 20
Range H > Range 21
Range J > Range 24
Range K > Range 25
Range N > Range 29
Range P > Range 31
Range Q > Range 32
Range R > Range 33
Range S > Range 34
Range U > Range 35
3) Find the step on the Current Classified Schedule that is on the range you mapped to in #2, but is equal or greater to your current M&O step.
4) Find this same step and range on the Classified Schedule effective January 1.
5a) If you are an 11 or 12 month employee, move up one step from there. Thats the step you will be on when you receive your January 31 paycheck.
5b) If you are a 10 month employee, the step you landed on in #4 will be the step you will be on when you receive your January 31 paycheck. You will move up one additional step on your February 29th paycheck.