Join us to learn more about our new Liaison Network and meet other colleagues interested in serving as Campus Coordinators! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 815 0022 7095 Passcode: 262107 One tap mobile +13602095623,,81500227095#,,,,*262107# US
Please join us (and invite your part-time colleagues) for an opportunity to learn about our union, ask questions and build community! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 1394 3088 Passcode: 410468 One tap mobile +16694449171,,84813943088#,,,,*410468# US
Dear AFT Guild Members, Our last AFT Guild Union meeting of this academic year will be held this Thursday, May 4th, beginning at 3:00pm on the rooftop of the César Chávez Center. The address is 1901 Main Street and there are two levels of parking inside the building. It’s a little tricky to find the entrance from the street if you have […]