What do Pop-Tarts, Powells, and Peeps have in common?

Union Shop
You asked for it… and here it is!
Last year, we polled activists like you to find out whether consumers are interested in “buying union.” Turns out Americans are overwhelmingly eager to show their support for workers by purchasing union-made products and services. But 82 percent of those surveyed also said that buying union is easier said than done – simply because they don’t know which products make the cut.
So we’ve set out to make it a little easier by creating… Union Shop!

Each week, we feature a new union-made product or service on theUnion Shop section of our blog. You can find out which union is responsible for the product and where to buy it. We hope this simple tool will help you use your purchasing power to support good, American jobs.
Check out Union Shop for the list of products we’ve featured so far likeSnap-On ToolsPeeps,Powell’s Books, and more.
And be sure to keep coming back or follow us on FacebookTwitter, orPinterest to see new ones each week!

Thanks for your continued support of workers’ rights,
Hilary, Kim, Susan, Liz, Zoe, Michael, and the American Rights at Work team.