Keep Our Union Strong!

Dear Colleagues,


As we have tried to let everyone know, the pending Janus vs. AFSCME case before the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to come down any day now and in its wake you may be receiving dishonest emails (or US mail notices at your home) from anti-union groups encouraging you to drop you membership with the AFT.


We encourage you to not respond to these emails in anyway (or click on any links) as a number of outside groups will be fishing for information to help them attack our union movement.  Please forward any of these types of notices you might receive to me.


Instead, we hope that you’ll not only stick with our union, but get more involved, help sign up new colleagues, contribute to our COPE to help us win our college board races, and do what you can to keep us strong and assure that YOUR rights in the workplace are maintained and we are able to continue to fight for good health care benefits, better pay, and quality public education for all.


We need a continued commitment for everyone to stick with the union so that we can have the power to stand up for public education and fight for a better future for our students and the community.

In Solidarity,


Jim Mahler, President

AFT Guild, Local 1931